
Thoughts of Data Bindings Strategies in React and Vue

Designing components with graceful data flow

Months ago, I started working for an enterprise which uses Vue.js for most of its web projects. The other day, I was trapped in a problem when I was trying to implement a checkbox-like component with Vue, for which I need to implement a two-way binding pattern(known as v-model). Were

An Implementation for Limited-concurrency Promise Runner

Introduction When you call Promise.prototype.all(), there is no approach to controlling the number of concurrent promise tasks. This can cause a large usage of OS resources if the number of the tasks array is really large. There are some excellent packages aiming to solve this problem. For example, p-limit. p-limit

You Might Not Know "this"

Why THIS behaves THIS way???

Translations: ZH-CN
中文版请戳我 Motivation If you are familiar with React.js, you should know that if you add an event listener to an element like the following, you get a syntax error when you try triggering the click event. // JSX class Test extends React.Component { handleClick ()